October 1st - 30th For just $297 $77

** This offer has expired ** However, we invite you to grab our free Retreat and Grow Rich Starter Kit, a FREE 5-step mini-course that will walk you through the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY (and HOW) of a lucrative and life-changing retreat-based business so you can move your vision forward NOW, not someday!

  • Have you been dreaming of adding retreats, and deeper breakthrough work, to your coaching, consulting, creative, healing, or other service-based business for some time? (Or maybe this is your FIRST business dream…)  
  • Do you LOVE transformation - the art of making permanent shifts in awareness that change how you relate with the world, and how the world relates with you? (It would be a DREAM if you could spend your life in THAT conversation…)  
  • Have you been selling your TIME in your business, and thinking the only way to expand and systematize and earn more money is to put your INFORMATION into an online funnel? (Yet in your heart you know you don’t want to spend all your time behind your laptop -- you LOVE PEOPLE…)  


If this sounds like you, retreats may be the perfect next step in your evolution! Bringing people together LIVE creates the perfect container for massive transformation, and it’s incredibly fun to deliver. AND, you may have happened up on my FREE BOOK and THIS PAGE in divine right timing. If so, dig in and get to reading! However, you may be like so many of the entrepreneurs I talk with… they know retreats are in their future, but they aren’t quite sure if now is the time. If so, I’m excited to share with you a unique way to gain divine clarity and claim sovereignty over your business decisions BEFORE you read the book!  


October 1st - 30th For just $297 $77

** This offer has expired ** However, we invite you to grab our free Retreat and Grow Rich Starter Kit, a FREE 5-step mini-course that will walk you through the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY (and HOW) of a lucrative and life-changing retreat-based business so you can move your vision forward NOW, not someday!

The intention of this 30-day incubator program is to:

  • Provide you with the opportunity to enter a sacred container to explore and nurture your retreat dream (WITHOUT feeling pressured to make a decision or put one on the books).  
  • Guide you through the key awarenesses and decisions that we have found (after hosting more than 70 retreats, earning millions of dollars, and guiding hundreds of retreat leaders) are pivotal to entering your retreat hosting journey from a powerful place (There are 4!)  
  • Hold space for your decision clarity - is it now, next year, or never?  
  • Give you exclusive training not just on WHAT TO DO, but also on HOW TO THINK about your sacred retreat from a spiritual and practical standpoint so that when you DO step into your place in front of the room, you know you are ready. (Save on so many mistakes by getting this guidance!)  
  • Build your confidence as a retreat leader AND as a business owner - whether you choose to host your retreat now or later.  
  • Have lots of fun and support you in sharing your experiences, dreams, and best practices with a values-aligned community from around the world!  

In the Retreat Confidence Incubator you will develop:  

  • WEEK 1: Transformation Confidence! Gain clarity about the specific type of transformation that speaks to your heart and is aligned with your divine purpose in this life. Explore your readiness to boldly walk this path, clearing the space for your clients to do the same. (You know it’s time to ‘go there’!) Transformation confidence is the surprising key to powerfully marketing your retreat! (We’ll show you how.)  
  • WEEK 2: Retreat Leader Confidence! Discover the six stages of the divinely appointed retreat leader (the world’s best career path!) and locate yourself on the journey. Only by knowing right where you are, can you know your personal next step. There is not one right path… there is YOUR path. Developing yourself to lead in this way is a JOURNEY, and we are excited for you to discover what’s next for you!  
  • WEEK 3: Venue Confidence! There are two types of retreat leaders. There are the ones that light up inside at the thought of the perfect location for their retreat -- their first instinct is to find the place. Then there are those that say, “I don’t care WHERE it is, just put me in front of the people!” Whichever type you are, having confidence in the venue selection process is key to moving forward. (EVEN if you have someone else do the planning). Discover the 5 Site Vibes™ and know which is right for you -- now and in the future! Share insider venue tips with retreat leaders around the world!  
  • WEEK 4: Sales Confidence! If a tree falls in the woods, during the best retreat ever planned in the history of all retreats, but no one is there to hear it… well, you get the idea. Planning the world’s best retreat serves no one if it doesn’t get SOLD. Learn why offering transformation is different than any other product or service. Get excited about the possibilities for you and your participants when you ask them to invest in their breakthrough, and see what’s been in your blind spot about HOW to do this! (If you hate the word sales, please don’t miss this! We don’t shift the value system on the planet without putting more money in the hands of people like YOU!)  

October 1st - 30th Register now for just $297 $77

** This offer has expired ** However, we invite you to grab our free Retreat and Grow Rich Starter Kit, a FREE 5-step mini-course that will walk you through the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY (and HOW) of a lucrative and life-changing retreat-based business so you can move your vision forward NOW, not someday!

The Retreat Confidence Incubator Includes:

  • Four (4) exclusive video lessons with self-evaluation exercises designed to bring clarity, and of course build your RETREAT CONFIDENCE! (Delivered each Monday)  
  • Thirty (30) days in our exclusive Retreat Confidence Incubator Facebook Group where you can share your insights from the lessons and get support from retreat leaders around the globe.  
  • Four (4) lesson-specific Office Hours with Darla via Facebook Live. Join live to get your questions answered, or post your questions in advance and Darla will put them in the queue. (Office hours each Thursday)  
  • One (1) live 60-minute Q&A Call via Zoom on week five (October 29) for guidance in discerning your specific next step. 

  • BONUS #1: Take your Retreat Leader Archetype Quiz and share your results for an extra bonus lesson on designing your retreat content!  
  • BONUS #2: Personal Coaching Call! For those who keep up with your content and exercises, access a HUGE REWARD starting week two!  
  • Submit your first two exercises to request a 1-on-1 retreat breakthrough call with lead coach Julie Flippin (a $497 Value!)  

And, incubator clients will get the first opportunity to register for OUR next Retreat and Grow Rich Live retreat (Jan 8-10 in San Diego).  

It starts when you register.  

If you’ve felt the nudge from spirit to lead retreats, or to explore a deeper message of healing and alignment in your retreats, or to earn more money with your retreats, you’re invited.  

I invite you to invest your $77 and four focused weeks in allowing that vision to incubate. You might be surprised by what you discover about yourself and your genius!  

(And if you get the clear ‘yes’ to follow the vision… THEN read and implement the book!)  

Your unfiltered genius awaits!  

October 1st - 30th Register now for just $297 $77

** This offer has expired ** However, we invite you to grab our free Retreat and Grow Rich Starter Kit, a FREE 5-step mini-course that will walk you through the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY (and HOW) of a lucrative and life-changing retreat-based business so you can move your vision forward NOW, not someday!


Darla LeDoux is a business coach, author, speaker, the Founder of Sourced ™ and the Creator of SourcedExperience.com. In business since 2009, Darla has generated millions of dollars in revenue and helped thousands of entrepreneurs maximize their profits with businesses based on freedom, authenticity, and connection. She is dedicated to helping coaches and leaders better serve their clients with retreats because she envisions a world in which regularly scheduled transformational Sourced ™ experiences are the norm, not the exception.

Darla has a BS in chemical engineering and held senior roles in marketing and product development with Procter & Gamble. She initially resisted the call to the world of coaching and transformation until a death and divorce helped her find the courage to follow her soul’s desire. Today, she stands by the core message of her Sourced ™ brand -- that doing what your soul wants is actually the most practical strategy for your life and business.  

Darla grew her own business primarily through hosting intimate retreats. Four years later, she created her popular program Retreat and Grow Rich to help her clients experience the same ease and deep transformation in their businesses. In 2017, Darla translated this framework into her first book of the same name, “Retreat and Grow Rich.” 


When I started my business, I knew that I wanted to include retreats in my programs because of the transformation it provided my clients. The only thing was, I thought that I had to ‘go big or go home’... i.e. rent out an expensive retreat center in some tropical location, drop a ton of money on a deposit a year in advance and then just pray that people actually purchase. The fear and stress were so big that nothing ever happened.  

Then I met Darla. What I loved about her approach is that she helped me see how effective it would be to keep it simple and just start. I ended up finding the most amazing space just 15 minutes from my house and filled my first retreat with people from across the country within just six months. The best part was that my clients got amazing results from the experience. I’ve now hosted five retreats in that same space and three retreats across the country... and I’m just getting started!  

Darla made the process fun, inviting, and easy. She showed me how to structure my retreats to create long lasting transformation for my clients while helping me bring my best self into the process. If you have a desire to offer retreats, you absolutely want Darla in your corner.

- Laura Wieck laurawieck.net 

I was starting to feel stuck and limited, and I needed help getting beyond that; having conversations with Darla’s team showed me ways I could do it. Working with her coaching staff helped me create a new revenue stream that immediately funded the entire program, the Live Retreat, and all the travel!  


- Jamila White inspiredjamila.com

I knew retreats were the next step in my business but I didn’t know how to get started. Prior to learning from Darla, I organized my first retreat on my own in the same way that I used to organize my Reiki classes. The tools and guidance from Darla are just so powerful! My very next retreat brought in over $10,000 in sales. I didn’t know what I didn’t know before. Now, I know the retreat format that not only is profitable but offers deep transformation for my clients. Thanks to Darla, I am in love with offering retreats and have several more planned! 

- Renee Li reneeli.net 

When I started working with Darla, I had a vision of leading international signature retreats as part of my core program offerings, and wanted to bring that vision to reality.  

I chose to work with Darla because I knew she was an expert in helping her clients design their own signature retreats, and I wanted that support with creating my own. It was also important to me that she equally respects and supports leading with energy, intuition and sound business practices.  

Results came three weeks after starting our work together. I launched a powerful new group program, and the response was so high, I had to create two groups to meet demand. I generated over $28000 in two weeks.  

Darla provided me with a strong and grounded container for my own self-commitment, and so I could find the most aligned way forward for my business. At the end of our three months together, I launched my own signature retreat that received rave reviews, and led to measurable, sustainable results for my clients. A dream come true for me!  

If you feel drawn to work with Darla, trust your intuition!

- Lisa Berkovitz www.LetSoulLead.com 

I cried when I left hugging you in such gratitude for pulling out of me what was just a small dot in my awareness. My Universal Posse has lined up a team for me and I have the title, content, date, hotel, marketing team, and event team. It feels so aligned and sexy to be talking money and yet my system is still trying to catch on a bit. You know I couldn't even say I am a wealthy woman or resonate with it. Integrating. Integrating. Breathing it all in.

- Jodie Sutulovich Rodenbaugh jodierodenbaugh.com

For years I tried to get to my goal of $10K/ month in revenue. For the last two months since working with Darla I have hit the goal with ease and grace. I have tried to go back (to earning less), but I cannot even re-inhabit that space. The name LeDoux always reminds me of doula, and that's how I think of Darla, as a birth helper for what you want to birth next.

- Helen Macmillan helenmacmillan.com